PART II // Bioinformatic and Statistics tools: From raw data to conclusions
Dec 15th – 5pm CET
This webinar will be presented by:
- Diego Tomassi: Data Scientist, PhD
- Sébastien Leuillet: Chief Technology Officer
– MODERATOR: Stéphane Deniau: Business Manager
In the second part of the “Exploring the microbiome” session, Diego Tomassi, Data Scientist and Sébastien Leuillet, CTO in Biofortis will describe the importance of bioinformatics and statistics on the evaluation and comprehension of microbiome, from raw data to interpretable results. Stéphane Deniau, Business Manager will be the moderator of this session.
To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1399126758534589454?source=website